Monday, October 4, 2010


Well... Um i haven't posted in a really long time, because i mostly use this as a journal, or a place to vent, and untill lastnight, things have been going really well, and i havent needed to write much. But after my mothers episode yesterday, i have the urge to write.
I'm so sick of all the adult in my life acting like children. I used to have this talk with myself after agonizing conversations with my bio dad, but things with him have changed. I think he has actually grown up alot and became the father i always needed him to be. Its wierd but now i seem to be having this issue with my mom and eric. Eric has always been a little childish in my eyes. Ive never really seen things eye to eye with him, but now its my mom too. You know how with little kids small issues seem so big to them, they dwell on simple issues. Insignificant thing seem so important to them, thats how it has been dealing with my parents lately. The little things seem to be all they notice. I wish they would grow up. A dirty room isnt going to hurt anyone. Its not like there was dirty moldy dishes in there, and its not like you couldn't see my floor. So i dont like to hang my clothes up. Who cares. You dont wear them, i do. If i dont mind wrinkled clothes then what does it matter to you? And instead of being an adult and waiting till i came home to talk to me like a mature parent would, You blew your shit and flipped out. Called me and made me come home. I know your goal was to embarase me, but honestly all it did was make you look really immature. You should have talked to me like an adult, and thought things through.
I know im not perfect, and dont think for a second that i claim to be. I know that i tend to be immature about some things too, but your the parent and i just think you should know better. I mean i could be out snorting coke, but im not. I make good grades, im trying to get a job. I look out for my little sister, i help with the dog, even though you seem to think i dont, I do alot around the house, and all of this goes unnoticed, yet do i There are more important things to worry about. You should take a look at all the things i do, all the things going on in my life right now and factor those things in. Then decide whats really important.
...Grow up.

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